1. Reading in fluent English with correct pronunciation.
2. Reading the topics aloud with correct pronunciation and stress.
3. Reading the various letters and postcards aloud with correct pronunciation and stress.
4. Reading jokes and different kinds of funny poems aloud with correct pronunciation and stress.
5. Will be able to guide their reading independently.
6. Able to read in portions.
7. Will be able to guide their reading independently


1. Learners will listen to different sequence of story writing.
2. Listen to different types of non-fiction types of text and analyze about it.
3. Listening to an audio that turns a poem into a play.
4. Listen to a conversation about the ways of using instructions and also how to find out the whether a story or book is fiction or non-fiction.
5. Listening to an informal and a formal way of writing a letter.
6. Listening to poems around the world, how poems are linked to places.
7. Learners will listen to script read out by the teachers.
8. Learners will listen to the stories about culture and history.
9. Listening to Non-fiction text.


1. Learners will give their views regarding the sequence, or order, of the main events of the story.
2. Learners will work in a group to plan and give their own talk.
3. Learners will talk about the use of one or more words in all the poems and about the script of the plays.
4. Learners will discuss about fiction and non-fiction books.
5. Learners will speak about the how to organize their ideas carefully in paragraphs, they will also practice telling the story of Mrs Sabella’s trip to England with the help of the letters.
6. Learners will plan for a short drama about a poem working in groups and will recite their own poem using some powerful words and noun phrases.
7. Learners will speak independently about their adventure story.
8. Learners will perform the story in groups.
9. Learners will talk about languages used in the text.


1. Able to write a story using setting, plot and characters.
2. Writing short text on holiday using compound and complex sentences.
3. Learners will be able to write poems and short play scripts.
4. Learners will be able to write an instruction or an invitation.
5. Learners will learn about using synonyms, apostrophes, singular and plural nouns, sentence punctuation to write a letter or mail.
6. Learners will learn to write poem of their own.
7. Learners will be able to write adventure stories with the proper use of character, plot and setting.
8. Learners will be able to write their own fables. They will also able to learn to write paragraph.


1. Learn about some useful words and dialogues from the chapter.
2. Learn about some useful words from the chapter.
3. Learn about some useful words from the chapter.
4. Able to become familiar with formal vocabulary that is common in academic texts.
5. Will be able to attain vocabulary to comprehend academic and social reading and listening texts.

• To build up Numbers up to 1000
• To apply the concept of place value and face value.
• To learn Number names, Comparing Numbers, Ordering Numbers
• To learn Rounding Numbers and apply in real life also.
• To be able to differentiate between Odd and Even numbers
• To learn Adding 3-digit number without Regrouping
• To be able to learn the concept of Regrouping
• To apply the concept of adding 2-digit number with Regrouping
• To encourage students to add 3-digit number with Regrouping
• To explore adding three 3-digit numbers with other numbers.
• To learn Subtracting 3-digit number without Regrouping
• To understand the concept of Regrouping
• To understand and apply the concept of Subtracting 3-digit number with Regrouping
• To learn subtracting three 3-digit numbers
• To apply the concepts of operations in solving word problem.
• To apply Addition and Subtraction by expansion, making groups of tens
• To understand and apply different methods for addition and subtraction in real life
• To learn estimating Sums and Differences
• To learn the method of Addition and Subtraction of Even and Odd numbers
• To relate Skip Counting with multiplication
• To observe the patterns in Multiplication
• To learn Multiplying a 2-digit,3-digit Number by a 1-digit number
• To apply the concept of multiplication in performing two step problem solving
• To be able to differentiate between Shapes and Solids
• To visualise mirror Halves
• To identify and understand the different features of Flat Shapes- Sides and Vertices
• To be able to differentiate between Composite Shapes and solid shapes.

SA - 1

1. To identify the different food habits of animals.
2. To be able to understand the difference between Food web and food chain.
3. To identify and state the functions of teeth of animals.
4. To be able to classify animals based on its feeding habit.
5. To suggest measures for taking care of animals.
6. To realise the importance of food.
7. To understand the role of plants other than providing food.
8. To be able to classify plants according to its properties.
9. To be able to identify different types of plants around us.
10. To know how different parts of a plant can be used as food.
11. To be able to name plants as Herbs, shrubs, tree and climber.
12. To understand the whole process of Water cycle.
13. To be able to analyse the causes and consequences of water pollution.
14. To evaluate the cultural expression of water as a resource.
15. To be able to suggest how to conserve water.
16. To be able to analyse and demonstrate the process of rainwater harvesting.
17. To know the physical properties of water.
18. To know the different sources of fresh water.
19. To know the history behind evolution of houses.
20. To analyse the factors impacting the types of shelter.
21. To be able to differentiate between Human shelters- now and then.
22. To be able to classify the types of shelter.
23. To evaluate how different types of roof suit to different environment.
24. To understand the need for shelter.
25. To be able to categorise different types of animal shelter.
26. To realise sports as a profession.
27. To be able to name, compare and contrast traditional and modern games.
28. To be able to identify and name international and national sports person.
29. To be able to understand the difference between Games played then and now.
30. To understand advantages and disadvantages between individual and team games.
31. To analyse the differences between indoor and outdoor games.
32. To spread awareness about the importance of playing games.
33. To know the importance of Learning values.
34. To understand different types of families and family trees also.
35. To analyse various relationships and celebrations in families.
36. To know what is a family, its composition.
37. To be able to appreciate and respect role of each family member.
38. To be able to identify, draw and state functions of different parts of birds.
39. To understand how birds care for their young ones.
40. To classify the nest of different birds according to its structure and pattern.
41. To analyse the eating habits of birds and relate it to structure of beak.
42. Identify different types of birds around us.

हमारा उदेश्य है कि विद्यालय के सभी छात्र हिंदी भाषा के सभी कौशल (skills) – वाचन , श्रवण , लेखन तथा पठन का ज्ञान हो ताकि वे धारा प्रवाह हिंदी पढ़ , लिख , बोल तथा समझ सके । छात्र गण शुद्ध उच्चारण के साथ धारा प्रवाह बोलकर अपने विचार एंव भावनाओ को प्रकट कर सके ।

1. किसी विषय – विशेष पर अपने विचार रखने के लिए कहा जाएगा ।
2. वाद विवाद , नाटक , कहानी तथा कविता पाठ आदि आयोजन किया जाएगा ।
3. घटना क्रम ( खेल , राजनीति , विज्ञान आदि ) पर विचार रखने के लिए कहा जाएगा ।
4. छत्रों के लिए शब्द भंडार , उच्चारण एंव व्याकरण की अशुद्धियों पर विशेष ध्यान दिया जाएगा ।
5. जीवन से संबंद्ध सरल विषयो पर अपने विचार रखने के लिए कहा जाएगा ।

लेखन (writing skill)- लेखन कौशल का उदेश्य है की छात्र अपने विचार एंव भावनाओ को लिखकर प्रकट कर सके ।
1. अनुच्छेद लेखन , पत्र लेखन , संवाद लेखन , चित्र वर्णन का अभ्यास करवाया जाएगा ।
2. संकेत बिंदुओ के आधार पर कहानी लिखवाया जाएगा ।
3. जीवन से संबद्ध सरल विषयो पर अनुच्छेद लिखने के लिए कहा जाएगा ।
4. spelling और sentence formation पर विशेष ध्यान दिया जाएगा ।

पठन (Reading skill) - पठन कौशल का उदेश्य है कि छात्र किसी गदयांश , लेख ,कहानी तथा कविता आदि को उचित लय , आरोह-अवरोह तथा सही उच्चारण के साथ पढ़ सके एंव उनका अर्थ समझ सके ।
1. अपठित गदयांश एंव पदयांश का अभ्यास करवाया जाएगा ।
2. समाचार पत्र , कहानी की किताबें तथा उपन्यास आदि पढ़ने के लिए उत्साहित किया जाएगा ।
3. संक्षिप्त और सरल अपठित गदयांश एंव पद्याश का अभ्यास करवाया जाएगा ।
4. समाचार पत्र , कहानी की किताबें आदि पढ़ने के लिए उत्साहित किया जाएगा ।

श्रवण (listening skill)- श्रवण कौशल का उदेश्य है कि छात्र किसी गदयांश , लेख , कहानी तथा कविता आदि को सुनकर उनका अर्थ ग्रहण कर सके ।
1. लेख , कहानी तथा कविता आदि सुनाकर प्रश्न पूछे जाएंगे ।

व्याकरण (Grammar) – भाषा कौशल की शुद्धता के लिए व्याकरण के नियमो का ज्ञान होना आवश्यक होती है ।
1. वर्ण विच्छेद , ‘र’ के विभन्न रूप , उपसर्ग – प्रत्यय लिंग – वचन कारक आदि का अभ्यास करवाया जाएगा ।
2. शब्द भंडार जैसे पर्यायवाची , विलोम , अनेकार्थी शब्दों आदि का अभ्यास करवाया जाएगा ।






1. Reading in fluent English with correct pronunciation.
2. Reading the topics aloud with correct pronunciation and stress.
3. Reading the various letters and postcards aloud with correct pronunciation and stress.
4. Reading jokes and different kinds of funny poems aloud with correct pronunciation and stress.
5. Will be able to guide their reading independently.
6. Able to read in portions.
7. Will be able to guide their reading independently


1. Learners will listen to different sequence of story writing.
2. Listen to different types of non-fiction types of text and analyze about it.
3. Listening to an audio that turns a poem into a play.
4. Listen to a conversation about the ways of using instructions and also how to find out the whether a story or book is fiction or non-fiction.
5. Listening to an informal and a formal way of writing a letter.
6. Listening to poems around the world, how poems are linked to places.
7. Learners will listen to script read out by the teachers.
8. Learners will listen to the stories about culture and history.
9. Listening to Non-fiction text.


1. Learners will give their views regarding the sequence, or order, of the main events of the story.
2. Learners will work in a group to plan and give their own talk.
3. Learners will talk about the use of one or more words in all the poems and about the script of the plays.
4. Learners will discuss about fiction and non-fiction books.
5. Learners will speak about the how to organize their ideas carefully in paragraphs, they will also practice telling the story of Mrs Sabella’s trip to England with the help of the letters.
6. Learners will plan for a short drama about a poem working in groups and will recite their own poem using some powerful words and noun phrases.
7. Learners will speak independently about their adventure story.
8. Learners will perform the story in groups.
9. Learners will talk about languages used in the text.


1. Able to write a story using setting, plot and characters.
2. Writing short text on holiday using compound and complex sentences.
3. Learners will be able to write poems and short play scripts.
4. Learners will be able to write an instruction or an invitation.
5. Learners will learn about using synonyms, apostrophes, singular and plural nouns, sentence punctuation to write a letter or mail.
6. Learners will learn to write poem of their own.
7. Learners will be able to write adventure stories with the proper use of character, plot and setting.
8. Learners will be able to write their own fables. They will also able to learn to write paragraph.


1. Learn about some useful words and dialogues from the chapter.
2. Learn about some useful words from the chapter.
3. Learn about some useful words from the chapter.
4. Able to become familiar with formal vocabulary that is common in academic texts.
5. Will be able to attain vocabulary to comprehend academic and social reading and listening texts.

• To identify the different types of Lines and Patterns
• To understand the rules of Patterns.
• To be able to apply number Patterns
• To apply the understanding of concept of Patterns in real life
• To learn Tessellations
• To know and understand the different units of measurement.
• To be able to apply the concept of units of measurement in word problems.
• To learn Measuring in Kilograms
• To be able to apply the understanding of concept of measurement in real life situations and mathematical sums
• To learn Measuring in litres
• To be able to apply the understanding of concept of measurement in real life situations and mathematical sums
• To be able to differentiate between measuring liquids and solids.
• To understand the concept of Money in terms of addition, subtraction, multiplying
• To apply the method of Conversion between Rupees and Paise in real life.
• To know the method of preparing a bill
• To understand the correct method of reading Time and timeline
• To understand and visualise division as repeated subtraction
• To understand the method of Equal sharing or Equal Distribution
• To apply the concept of Division on a Number Line
• To understand and demonstrate the concept of Fractions
• To be able to Compare and Order Fractions
• To learn Finding the Fraction of a Number
• To enable students to represent Data using Tally Marks, Pictographs and Bar Graphs

SA - 2

1. To understand relationship between living and non-living things.
2. To be able to differentiate between living and non-living things.
3. To be able to classify living and non-living things.
4. To understand the characteristics of living and non-living things.
5. To understand the cultural influence on decoration of houses in India.
6. To know and practice 3R of waste management in real life.
7. To be able to understand difference between biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste.
8. To realise the importance of disposal of waste.
9. To be able to spread awareness about Do’s and don’ts of waste disposal.
10. To analyse the ways and benefits of keeping a house clean.
11. To be able to classify the Types of waste.
12. To be able to name different art forms in different regions of India.
13. To be able to differentiate good and bad communication.
14. To know the different ways of communication.
15. To practice the different tips to communicate well.
16. To know what is communication.
17. To realise the need of communication.
18. To be able to reason for choosing a particular mode to travel.
19. To be able to classify vehicles into different categories.
20. To understand the need for travel.
21. To be able to compare different modes of transport in the past and at present.
22. To understand the need of balancing work and leisure time.
23. To know the need for work.
24. To be able to reason why we make things.
25. To understand the characteristics of both household and outside work.
26. To understand how is clothes made.
27. To know the process of colouring clothes and how are designs made.
28. To know the different sources from where we get clothes.
29. To understand the difference between natural and synthetic clothes.
30. To understand the importance of Why do we wear clothes.
31. To be able to classify the types of clothes.
32. To acquire the skill to locate a nearby place.
33. To be able to map the neighbourhood.
34. To understand the advantages of using maps.
35. To understand the importance of directions.
36. To be able to name and locate oceans and continents on globes and maps.

हमारा उदेश्य है कि विद्यालय के सभी छात्र हिंदी भाषा के सभी कौशल (skills) – वाचन , श्रवण , लेखन तथा पठन का ज्ञान हो ताकि वे धारा प्रवाह हिंदी पढ़ , लिख , बोल तथा समझ सके । छात्र गण शुद्ध उच्चारण के साथ धारा प्रवाह बोलकर अपने विचार एंव भावनाओ को प्रकट कर सके ।

1. किसी विषय – विशेष पर अपने विचार रखने के लिए कहा जाएगा ।
2. वाद विवाद , नाटक , कहानी तथा कविता पाठ आदि आयोजन किया जाएगा ।
3. घटना क्रम ( खेल , राजनीति , विज्ञान आदि ) पर विचार रखने के लिए कहा जाएगा ।
4. छत्रों के लिए शब्द भंडार , उच्चारण एंव व्याकरण की अशुद्धियों पर विशेष ध्यान दिया जाएगा ।
5. जीवन से संबंद्ध सरल विषयो पर अपने विचार रखने के लिए कहा जाएगा ।

लेखन (writing skill)- लेखन कौशल का उदेश्य है की छात्र अपने विचार एंव भावनाओ को लिखकर प्रकट कर सके ।
1. अनुच्छेद लेखन , पत्र लेखन , संवाद लेखन , चित्र वर्णन का अभ्यास करवाया जाएगा ।
2. संकेत बिंदुओ के आधार पर कहानी लिखवाया जाएगा ।
3. जीवन से संबद्ध सरल विषयो पर अनुच्छेद लिखने के लिए कहा जाएगा ।
4. spelling और sentence formation पर विशेष ध्यान दिया जाएगा ।

पठन (Reading skill) - पठन कौशल का उदेश्य है कि छात्र किसी गदयांश , लेख ,कहानी तथा कविता आदि को उचित लय , आरोह-अवरोह तथा सही उच्चारण के साथ पढ़ सके एंव उनका अर्थ समझ सके ।
1. अपठित गदयांश एंव पदयांश का अभ्यास करवाया जाएगा ।
2. समाचार पत्र , कहानी की किताबें तथा उपन्यास आदि पढ़ने के लिए उत्साहित किया जाएगा ।
3. संक्षिप्त और सरल अपठित गदयांश एंव पद्याश का अभ्यास करवाया जाएगा ।
4. समाचार पत्र , कहानी की किताबें आदि पढ़ने के लिए उत्साहित किया जाएगा ।

श्रवण (listening skill)- श्रवण कौशल का उदेश्य है कि छात्र किसी गदयांश , लेख , कहानी तथा कविता आदि को सुनकर उनका अर्थ ग्रहण कर सके ।
1. लेख , कहानी तथा कविता आदि सुनाकर प्रश्न पूछे जाएंगे ।

व्याकरण (Grammar) – भाषा कौशल की शुद्धता के लिए व्याकरण के नियमो का ज्ञान होना आवश्यक होती है ।
1. वर्ण विच्छेद , ‘र’ के विभन्न रूप , उपसर्ग – प्रत्यय लिंग – वचन कारक आदि का अभ्यास करवाया जाएगा ।
2. शब्द भंडार जैसे पर्यायवाची , विलोम , अनेकार्थी शब्दों आदि का अभ्यास करवाया जाएगा ।





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