• Reading simple words or sentences with the help of pictures and understand them.
• Reading a short passage independently having simple sentences and comprehend the meaning also.
• Reciting a poem with correct rhythm.
• Reading the lessons with fluency.
• Reading aloud with specific guidance from the teacher.
• Framing simpler sentences using a naming word, action word and a describing word.
• Expressing themselves and their school in one or two sentences.
• Writing a short informal friendly letter to friends.
• Explaining and describing a given topic like birds, animals, etc. in 3-4 sentences.
• Write their answers independently with correct construction.
• Learn that a sentence starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop.
• Understanding nouns (name, place, animal, thing) and action words and apply the same while writing any sentence.
• Learning about tense and its specific uses and make the correct use of tense in sentences.
• Making correct use of prepositions, conjunctions etc. both verbal and in written .
• Learning to frame questions using wh- words of their own choice.
• Constructing grammatically correct sentences using a noun, verb, and preposition, tense with guidance.
• Applying the correct usage of articles- a, an, the in any given sentence.
• Encouraging to have basic interpersonal communication amongst friends.
• Speaking fluently and respond correctly in one or two sentences.
• Speaking about themselves, their likes and dislikes.
• Developing the ability to listen , understand and employ verbal communication to draw inferences.
• Listening to a short passage and comprehend their meaning.
• Matching pictures with their descriptions as per instructions.
• Following instructions to complete a picture or a flowchart.
• Listening to an audio and comprehend answers.

• Knowing , reading, understanding and identifying numbers up to 200.
• Identifying the place value of numbers and also understand the expanded forms of numbers.
• Recognizing odd and even numbers.
• Distinguishing between ordinal and cardinal numbers and their usage in different spheres of life.
• Counting forward and adding numbers to get the sum total in a given situation.
• Counting in various ways: i.e. starting from any number, group counting etc.
• Ordering, identifying, applying, counting forward and comparing 1 and 2 digit numbers.
• Visualizing to identify, order, take away, decrease and compare numbers according to place value.
• Form numbers and identify greatest and smallest digits.
• Learning to add and subtract greater numbers.
• Adding and subtracting two digit numbers by drawing representations of tens and ones without and with regrouping.
• Adding zero to a number and subtract zero from a number.
• Observing the commutative property of addition through patterns.
• Solving addition, subtraction problems presented through pictures and verbal description.
• Describing orally the situations that correspond to the given addition and subtraction facts.
• Estimating the result of addition and subtraction and compare the result with another given number.

• Knowing and exploring about themselves & their hobbies and also encouraging them to express themselves.
• Accepting and appreciating diversity and successfully analyse the diversified culture of our country.
• Understanding the importance of the rules in school and implementing in their day to day life.
• Understanding the importance of nutrients present in different kinds of food and balanced diet to have a healthy life.
• Evaluating the essential services that a neighbourhood should offer and comprehending the role of important people in our neighbourhood for better functioning of a society.
• Appreciating the great variety of plant life on Earth and the role it plays for making this planet, a better place to live in.
• Analysing the importance of habitat in life of animals- How they help us and also understand our dependence on animals for various things. Also suggest ways to take care of animals.

हमारा उदेश्य है कि विद्यालय के सभी छात्र हिंदी भाषा के सभी कौशल (skills) – वाचन , श्रवण , लेखन तथा पठन का ज्ञान हो ताकि वे धारा प्रवाह हिंदी पढ़ , लिख , बोल तथा समझ सके । छात्र गण शुद्ध उच्चारण के साथ धारा प्रवाह बोलकर अपने विचार एंव भावनाओ को प्रकट कर सके ।

1. किसी विषय – विशेष पर अपने विचार रखने के लिए कहा जाएगा ।
2. कहानी तथा कविता पाठ आदि आयोजन किया जाएगा ।
3. घटना क्रम ( खेल आदि ) पर विचार रखने के लिए कहा जाएगा ।
4. छात्रों के लिए शब्द भंडार , उच्चारण एंव व्याकरण की अशुद्धियों पर विशेष ध्यान दिया जाएगा ।

लेखन (writing skill)- लेखन कौशल का उदेश्य है की छात्र अपने विचार एंव भावनाओ को लिखकर प्रकट कर सके ।
1 spelling और sentence formation पर विशेष ध्यान दिया जाएगा ।

पठन (Reading skill) - पठन कौशल का उदेश्य है कि छात्र किसी गदयांश , कहानी तथा कविता आदि को उचित लय , आरोह-अवरोह तथा सही उच्चारण के साथ पढ़ सके एंव उनका अर्थ समझ सके ।
1. अपठित गदयांश एंव पदयांश का अभ्यास करवाया जाएगा ।
2. कहानी की किताबें आदि पढ़ने के लिए उत्साहित किया जाएगा ।
3. संक्षिप्त और सरल अपठित गदयांश एंव पद्याश का अभ्यास करवाया जाएगा ।
4. कहानी की किताबें आदि पढ़ने के लिए उत्साहित किया जाएगा ।

श्रवण (listening skill)- श्रवण कौशल का उदेश्य है कि छात्र किसी गदयांश , लेख , कहानी तथा कविता आदि को सुनकर उनका अर्थ ग्रहण कर सके ।
1. कहानी तथा कविता आदि सुनाकर प्रश्न पूछे जाएंगे ।

व्याकरण (Grammar) – भाषा कौशल की शुद्धता के लिए व्याकरण के नियमो का ज्ञान होना आवश्यक होती है ।
1. ‘र’ के विभन्न रूप , लिंग – वचन आदि का अभ्यास करवाया जाएगा ।
2. शब्द भंडार का अभ्यास करवाया जाएगा ।




• Reciting a poem independently with correct rhythm.
• Reading simple stories according to their interest.
• Reading their lessons fluently with clear pronunciation.
• Reading a simple unseen passage and comprehend the meaning with guidance.
• Writing their own answers with correct construction.
• Writing simple poems using rhyming words.
• Writing a paragraph describing a picture within 3-4 sentences.
• Constructing their own answers using different vocabulary.
• Writing about a picture caption independently.
• Employing their skills in a creative manner to write a beautiful paragraph.
• Constructing grammatically correct sentences with guidance.
• Knowing about naming words i.e Noun and its two types- Common noun and Proper noun and apply both in verbal and written.
• Understanding what are pronouns, prepositions, adverbs, adjectives and apply the understanding both in conversation and written form.
• Knowing how to change from singular to plural form.
• Understanding the usage of prefixes and suffixes and correct punctuation marks like full stop, comma, question marks, inverted comma, exclamatory marks and capital letters.
• Establishing agreement of the subject with verb in a sentence.
• Knowing about application of joining words or conjunctions and join sentences.
• Knowing to break syllables in words for correct pronunciation.
• Know about the application of present continuous tense and past continuous tense and its usage.
• Identification of words with /a / and /e/ vowel sounds.
• Differentiating between joining words or Compound words.
• Narrating his or her experience in two or three sentences.
• Enacting roles on a short play or drama.
• Speaking a few lines on a given topic confidently in front of the class or in a group of people.
• Usage of polite words during conversations.
• Describing happenings of their day-to-day life.
• Speak fluently and respond in correct sentences.
• Listening to an audio and comprehend answers.
• Listen attentively to others and answer questions put forward by the teacher.
• Recognizing the pronunciation of different words.
• Listening to peer conversation and comment on it.

• Use the techniques of grouping of equal set of numbers or multiplication in their day to day lives.
• Discussing situations involving repeated addition and equal sharing.
• Engaging in activities of making equal groups.
• Learning multiplication tables up to 15.
• Knowing the pattern in tables and multiplication of 2-digit numbers.
• Understanding multiplication using group and through regrouping.
• Preparing students for division by applying the concept of repeated subtraction.

• Understanding the importance of each and every member of a family and how they share their work.
• Analysing the importance of cleanliness, health and good manners in life. Applying these habits in the day to day life and construct reflective answers related to it.
• Reasoning that different cloths serve different purpose. Analyse and examine the variety of dress material, its uses, as well as appreciating different cultural diversity by giving a reflective thought on clothing and its variety.
• Motivating to know and classify different kinds of houses around the world and the reason behind the use of particular type of materials.
• Knowing interdependence in our life and learning to give respect and value other’s work in their life.
• Learning, analysing, identifying, classifying, prioritising the need of various means of transport and use of fuel.

हमारा उदेश्य है कि विद्यालय के सभी छात्र हिंदी भाषा के सभी कौशल (skills) – वाचन , श्रवण , लेखन तथा पठन का ज्ञान हो ताकि वे धारा प्रवाह हिंदी पढ़ , लिख , बोल तथा समझ सके । छात्र गण शुद्ध उच्चारण के साथ धारा प्रवाह बोलकर अपने विचार एंव भावनाओ को प्रकट कर सके ।

1. किसी विषय – विशेष पर अपने विचार रखने के लिए कहा जाएगा ।
2. कहानी तथा कविता पाठ आदि आयोजन किया जाएगा ।
3. घटना क्रम ( खेल आदि ) पर विचार रखने के लिए कहा जाएगा ।
4. छात्रों के लिए शब्द भंडार , उच्चारण एंव व्याकरण की अशुद्धियों पर विशेष ध्यान दिया जाएगा ।

लेखन (writing skill)- लेखन कौशल का उदेश्य है की छात्र अपने विचार एंव भावनाओ को लिखकर प्रकट कर सके ।
1 spelling और sentence formation पर विशेष ध्यान दिया जाएगा ।

पठन (Reading skill) - पठन कौशल का उदेश्य है कि छात्र किसी गदयांश , कहानी तथा कविता आदि को उचित लय , आरोह-अवरोह तथा सही उच्चारण के साथ पढ़ सके एंव उनका अर्थ समझ सके ।
1. अपठित गदयांश एंव पदयांश का अभ्यास करवाया जाएगा ।
2. कहानी की किताबें आदि पढ़ने के लिए उत्साहित किया जाएगा ।
3. संक्षिप्त और सरल अपठित गदयांश एंव पद्याश का अभ्यास करवाया जाएगा ।
4. कहानी की किताबें आदि पढ़ने के लिए उत्साहित किया जाएगा ।

श्रवण (listening skill)- श्रवण कौशल का उदेश्य है कि छात्र किसी गदयांश , लेख , कहानी तथा कविता आदि को सुनकर उनका अर्थ ग्रहण कर सके ।
1. कहानी तथा कविता आदि सुनाकर प्रश्न पूछे जाएंगे ।

व्याकरण (Grammar) – भाषा कौशल की शुद्धता के लिए व्याकरण के नियमो का ज्ञान होना आवश्यक होती है ।
1. ‘र’ के विभन्न रूप , लिंग – वचन आदि का अभ्यास करवाया जाएगा ।
2. शब्द भंडार का अभ्यास करवाया जाएगा ।




• Acquiring ability to read and understand any given written test.
• Developing habit of reading for information, pleasure and confidence.
• Reading a passage and comprehend the meaning.
• Reciting a poem with correct rhythm.
• Reading simple story books of their own interest.
• Reading their lessons correctly without any guidance.
• Constructing simple answers of reflective questions.
• Composing simple poems with a lot of enjoyment.
• Writing a few lines on a given topic by applying all the grammatical concepts.
• Describing certain events in at least three to four sentences.
• Knowing to write autobiography.
• Knowing to write the steps of a particular recipe and a recipe of their favorite dish in a sequence.
• Establishing agreement of the subject-verb and their usage in sentences.
• Applying grammatical skill in worksheets without any help.
• Constructing grammatically correct sentences without guidance.
• Knowing about action words or “verb”, adverbs, being verbs, has, have, had verb and its usage.
• Learning about homophones and its different meanings.
• Familiarizing with opposite words with ‘un’ and ‘dis ’and use the same in real life.
• Learning at least 20 words with silent letters.
• Applying the usage of punctuation marks in any given sentence.
• Identifying statements, questions and improper sentences and correct it.
• Encouraging to sort out terms of collective nouns from a given sentence.
• Listening to dictation clearly and also write the same in proper spelling.
• Listening to simple stories read out by the teacher and answer simple questions.
• Comprehending the meaning of an easy conversation and employ their conversation skill in a creative manner after listening.
• Listen to an interview and develop vocabulary while giving comment.
• Match pictures with their simple descriptions.
• Expressing about some events and converse correctly with minimal mistake.
• Speaking about their daily life with a lot of expressions, reasoning, and justify their logic.
• Speaking about simple topics in few sentences.

• Measuring things using the different units of measurement and familiarize with the different tools of measurement.
• Recognizing, drawing and naming the different types of 2D shapes viz., rectangle, square, triangle, circle by their names and describe intuitively the properties of these 2-D shapes.
• Observing objects in the environment and get a qualitative feel for their geometrical attributes.
• Identifying the basic 3-D shapes such as cuboid, cylinder, cone, and sphere by their names.
• Tracing the 2-D outlines of 3-D objects.
• Identifying and making straight lines by folding, straight edged objects, stretched strings and draws free hand and with a ruler.
• Drawing and differentiating between straight, curved, slanting, standing, and sleeping, horizontal and vertical lines (free hand).
• Reading time and recognizing the days of the week, names of the months and the calendar as a whole.
• Learning about money-its value and ability to count money using addition and subtraction.
• Understanding fraction as a part of a whole or a collection and learn to divide a whole into equal parts.
• Observing, identifying, sorting data. And also collect data through measurement.
• Draw inferences from the data at the appropriate level.

• Visualising and drawing the different directions and making use of map in a given situation. Also familiarising with the various ways by which directions were found out during the ancient days.
• Understanding that time is precious and learn about the judicious use of time.
• Reasoning why unity in diversity is the need of the hour and have a clear and analytical concept on national symbols and national festivals.
• Understanding, emphasising and appreciating the cultural diversity by learning about various religious festivals and harvest festivals.
• Evaluating the importance of clean and green earth.
• Developing an understanding of the evolution of means of communication.

हमारा उदेश्य है कि विद्यालय के सभी छात्र हिंदी भाषा के सभी कौशल (skills) – वाचन , श्रवण , लेखन तथा पठन का ज्ञान हो ताकि वे धारा प्रवाह हिंदी पढ़ , लिख , बोल तथा समझ सके । छात्र गण शुद्ध उच्चारण के साथ धारा प्रवाह बोलकर अपने विचार एंव भावनाओ को प्रकट कर सके ।

1. किसी विषय – विशेष पर अपने विचार रखने के लिए कहा जाएगा ।
2. कहानी तथा कविता पाठ आदि आयोजन किया जाएगा ।
3. घटना क्रम ( खेल आदि ) पर विचार रखने के लिए कहा जाएगा ।
4. छात्रों के लिए शब्द भंडार , उच्चारण एंव व्याकरण की अशुद्धियों पर विशेष ध्यान दिया जाएगा ।

लेखन (writing skill)- लेखन कौशल का उदेश्य है की छात्र अपने विचार एंव भावनाओ को लिखकर प्रकट कर सके ।
1 spelling और sentence formation पर विशेष ध्यान दिया जाएगा ।

पठन (Reading skill) - पठन कौशल का उदेश्य है कि छात्र किसी गदयांश , कहानी तथा कविता आदि को उचित लय , आरोह-अवरोह तथा सही उच्चारण के साथ पढ़ सके एंव उनका अर्थ समझ सके ।
1. अपठित गदयांश एंव पदयांश का अभ्यास करवाया जाएगा ।
2. कहानी की किताबें आदि पढ़ने के लिए उत्साहित किया जाएगा ।
3. संक्षिप्त और सरल अपठित गदयांश एंव पद्याश का अभ्यास करवाया जाएगा ।
4. कहानी की किताबें आदि पढ़ने के लिए उत्साहित किया जाएगा ।

श्रवण (listening skill)- श्रवण कौशल का उदेश्य है कि छात्र किसी गदयांश , लेख , कहानी तथा कविता आदि को सुनकर उनका अर्थ ग्रहण कर सके ।
1. कहानी तथा कविता आदि सुनाकर प्रश्न पूछे जाएंगे ।

व्याकरण (Grammar) – भाषा कौशल की शुद्धता के लिए व्याकरण के नियमो का ज्ञान होना आवश्यक होती है ।
1. ‘र’ के विभन्न रूप , लिंग – वचन आदि का अभ्यास करवाया जाएगा ।
2. शब्द भंडार का अभ्यास करवाया जाएगा ।




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