Reading -

• Know to identify letters and words & learn the skill of reading difficult words by breaking it into syllables.

• Read with correct pronunciation, spell words and pronounce correctly with the help of sound.

• Read simple words/ sentences with the help of pictures and understand them.

• Understand the correct way of reading as to where to pause/stop.

Writing -

• Know to write an alphabet poem

• Write words that end with ‘at’(cat,rat,etc), ‘un’( sun, fun etc)

• Write words with short & long a , e, i , o, u sound words.

Vocabulary -

• Learn new words and their correct spelling

• Learn words with short “a”, “u” sound & words with ‘th’ sound in the middle.

Grammar -

• Understand what is nouns, verbs, adjective and also able to identify nouns, verbs, and adjective from stories/ poems

• Organize nouns in different categories as people/ place/animal/thing.

• Know that a name starts with a capital letter in sentence.

• Understands the meaning of rhyming words as similar sounding words.

Listening -

• Listen to teacher and recapitulate learning and identifying names of things around them (tangible & intangible)

• Listen attentively and write spelling of a word during dictation correctly.

• Listen to teacher’s instruction and respond

• Listen to the phonic story and identify words with short & long ‘a’,’e’,’i’,’o’, ‘u’ sound.

• Listen to simple sentences and identify noun/verb/adjective from it.

Speaking -

• Express themselves orally confidently and carry on interpersonal communication.

• Speak on any object in their surrounding using simple English with guidance in 2-3 sentences.

• Reading, understanding and identifying numbers up to 50.

• Writing numerals for One to Fifty and groups objects into tens and ones.

• Differentiating place value and face value of numbers and also understand the expanded forms of numbers.

• Build numbers using tens and arranging numbers according to their orders in ascending and descending order.

• Count forward and add numbers to get the sum total.

• Identifying order, apply count forward and compare numbers.

• Adds and subtracts using real objects and pictures. Adds and subtracts the numbers using symbols ‘+’ and ‘-’.

• Approach zero through the subtraction pattern (such as 3 – 1 = 2, 3 – 2 = 1, 3 – 3 = 0).

• Think and enact additions facts and relate addition in day to day life.

• Adds two single digit numbers mentally.

• Identifying order, visualize, take away, decrease and compare numbers.

• Understand subtraction facts and implement it in solving subtraction stories.

• Encouraging them for count forward or counting up as a strategy for mental subtraction.

• Building up their own subtraction number families and relate subtraction in day to day life.

The objectives of the subject is to explore about the learners family and their hobbies and also encouraging them to express themselves. To accept the diversity and appreciate it and successfully analyze the diversified culture of our country and able to comprehend & appreciate varied cultures. The subject also aims to let the learners understand -the importance of the rules in school and implement in their day to day life, the importance of nutrients present in different kinds of food and balanced diet to have a healthy life, the essential services that a neighbourhood should offer and comprehend the role of important people in our neighbourhood for better functioning of a society. It has helped the learners appreciate the great variety of plant life and the role it plays on our planet Earth and the role it plays for making this planet, a better place to live in. It also let the learners analyze the importance of habitat in life of animals- How they help us and also understand our dependence on animals for various things. Also suggesting how we need to take care of animals. Over all the major objectives of this subject is to enable children to learn about the environment by developing an awareness of the natural, social and cultural environment.

• वर्णमाला का मौखिक एवं लिखित ज्ञान।
• स्वर एवं व्यंजन को सही क्रम में लिखने और स्पष्ट उच्चारण के पढ़ सकने की क्षमता का विकास
• हिन्दी भाषा की ध्वनियाँ, वर्ण-व्यवस्था,उच्चारण का ज्ञान।
• शब्द-संरचना एवं वाक्य-संरचना कर पाने की क्षमता का विकास
• अमात्रिक एवं मात्रिक शब्द लेखन का ज्ञान
• संयुक्ताक्षर शब्दों का उच्चारण एवं वर्तनी लिखने की क्समता का विकास ।
• शब्द भंडार ( vocabulary) में वृद्धि हेतु शब्दार्थ, पर्यायवाची, विलोम, अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द आदि
• सरल एवं सामान्य शब्दों के लिंग एवं वचन परिवर्तन तथा प्रयोग करना।
• सरल एवं सामान्य विषयों पर लघु अनुच्छेद लिखना।
• सामान्य विषयों पर मौखिक रूप से विचार व्यक्त करना ।




Reading -

• Able to read and understand simple English materials with correct pronunciation.

• Read simple words/ sentences with the help of pictures and understand them.

• Enjoy reading simple texts having illustration.

Writing -

• Learn to write words with long ‘e’, ‘a’, sound and frame simple guided sentences using noun/ verb/ adjective or any other given words.

• Frame question with “can”, write simple words/ short sentences on their own.

Vocabulary -

• Learn new words and their meanings.

• Understand singular and plural form of words and employ the singular/ plural form of words in daily life.

Grammar -

• Identify words with long” A” and long ‘e’ sounds , “Th” sounds from any group of words.

• Learn and apply the usage of words in real conversation.

• Revise all the eight parts of speech.

• Understand the usage of ‘this’ , ‘that’, ‘these’ and ‘those’.

• Understands what is a sentence and its types.

• Know the punctuation marks like (.)(,)(?)(!) and use in different sentences.

Listening –

• Listen to simple poems or stories and answer objective questions( one word answer) based on it.

• Follow simple instructions and express appropriately.

Speaking -

• Speaking or expressing themselves independently.

• Recite, sing poems with enjoyment and exhibit basic interpersonal communication.

• Knowing about numbers and number names from 30 to 100.

• Breaking the numbers into tens and ones, compare numbers and understand the order of numbers.

• Writing numerals for Thirty-one to Ninety- nine and groups objects into tens and ones.

• Drawing representation for groups of ten and ones.

• Grouping a number orally into tens and ones.

• Knowing to skip count the numbers and learn to add and subtract numbers up to 100.

• Knowing the concept of counting forward and applying mental skill by adding 1, 2, 3 to greater numbers.

• Comparing subtraction and addition and also understand their application in real life.

• Knowing that addition and subtraction and can solve problems based on story.

• Understanding, observing, applying group of numbers and also use the techniques of multiplication in their day to day lives.

• Understanding multiplication table through repeated addition table to solve story problems.

• Knows to read time and recognize the days of the week, names of the months and the calendar as a whole.

• Distinguishes between events occurring in time using terms -earlier and later. Gets the qualitative feel of long & short duration, of school days v/s holidays. Narrates the sequence of events in a day.

The objectives of the subject is to explore about the learners family and their hobbies and also encouraging them to express themselves. To accept the diversity and appreciate it and successfully analyze the diversified culture of our country and able to comprehend & appreciate varied cultures. The subject also aims to let the learners understand -the importance of the rules in school and implement in their day to day life, the importance of nutrients present in different kinds of food and balanced diet to have a healthy life, the essential services that a neighbourhood should offer and comprehend the role of important people in our neighbourhood for better functioning of a society. It has helped the learners appreciate the great variety of plant life and the role it plays on our planet Earth and the role it plays for making this planet, a better place to live in. It also let the learners analyze the importance of habitat in life of animals- How they help us and also understand our dependence on animals for various things. Also suggesting how we need to take care of animals. Over all the major objectives of this subject is to enable children to learn about the environment by developing an awareness of the natural, social and cultural environment.

• वर्णमाला का मौखिक एवं लिखित ज्ञान।
• स्वर एवं व्यंजन को सही क्रम में लिखने और स्पष्ट उच्चारण के पढ़ सकने की क्षमता का विकास
• हिन्दी भाषा की ध्वनियाँ, वर्ण-व्यवस्था,उच्चारण का ज्ञान।
• शब्द-संरचना एवं वाक्य-संरचना कर पाने की क्षमता का विकास
• अमात्रिक एवं मात्रिक शब्द लेखन का ज्ञान
• संयुक्ताक्षर शब्दों का उच्चारण एवं वर्तनी लिखने की क्समता का विकास ।
• शब्द भंडार ( vocabulary) में वृद्धि हेतु शब्दार्थ, पर्यायवाची, विलोम, अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द आदि
• सरल एवं सामान्य शब्दों के लिंग एवं वचन परिवर्तन तथा प्रयोग करना।
• सरल एवं सामान्य विषयों पर लघु अनुच्छेद लिखना।
• सामान्य विषयों पर मौखिक रूप से विचार व्यक्त करना ।




Reading -

• Reading text independently with fluency.

• Read unseen words/ text / passages with ease by applying the technique of breaking words into syllables.

• Develop the habit of reading for information, pleasure and confidence.

• Comprehend ( simple passage) and answer questions accordingly.

Writing -

• Independent writing/ framing of sentences with correct usage of past and present tense.

• Write simple short stories applying the concept of different parts of speech.

• Write a small paragraph on the basis of observation of picture.

Vocabulary -

• Know and identify words which mean noun as well as verb (slide)

• Learn words ending with’y’(city) and their pronunciation.

• Familiarise words which mean different but sound same while reading.

Grammar -

• Write sentences independently using noun/verb/adjective etc., differentiate between present and past tense of verb.

• Use words like was/were correctly in any sentence.

• Understand and use synonyms and antonyms.

• Learn and write opposite words in appropriate place.

Listening –

• Listening of simple stories / poems/passages and answering questions based on it.

• Listen and respond to the teacher’s instruction.

• Ability to listen, understand & employ non-verbal communication & draw inferences.

Speaking -

• Describe and speak about a picture or any object shown to them in simple English sentences.

• Talk about themselves, family, surrounding independently.

• Narrate his/her experiences freely.

• Understanding the different types of shapes , draw and recognize them accordingly.

• Collecting objects from the surroundings having different sizes and shapes like pebbles, boxes, balls, cones, pipes, etc.

• Sorting, Classifying and describing the objects on the basis of shapes, and other observable properties.

• Identifying the difference between objects that rolls and slides.

• Observing and describing the way shapes affect movements like rolling and sliding

• Measuring things using the different units of measurement, and can also calculate the numbers.

• Distinguishing between near, far, thin, thick, longer/taller, shorter, high, low. Seriates objects by comparing their length.

• Learning about money, its value and ability to count money using addition and subtraction.

• Identifying common currency notes and coins and put together small amounts of money.

• Understanding to observe, identify and sort data.

• Collecting, representing and interpreting simple data such as measuring the arm length or circumference of the head using a paper strip.

The objectives of the subject is to explore about the learners family and their hobbies and also encouraging them to express themselves. To accept the diversity and appreciate it and successfully analyze the diversified culture of our country and able to comprehend & appreciate varied cultures. The subject also aims to let the learners understand -the importance of the rules in school and implement in their day to day life, the importance of nutrients present in different kinds of food and balanced diet to have a healthy life, the essential services that a neighbourhood should offer and comprehend the role of important people in our neighbourhood for better functioning of a society. It has helped the learners appreciate the great variety of plant life and the role it plays on our planet Earth and the role it plays for making this planet, a better place to live in. It also let the learners analyze the importance of habitat in life of animals- How they help us and also understand our dependence on animals for various things. Also suggesting how we need to take care of animals. Over all the major objectives of this subject is to enable children to learn about the environment by developing an awareness of the natural, social and cultural environment.

• वर्णमाला का मौखिक एवं लिखित ज्ञान।
• स्वर एवं व्यंजन को सही क्रम में लिखने और स्पष्ट उच्चारण के पढ़ सकने की क्षमता का विकास
• हिन्दी भाषा की ध्वनियाँ, वर्ण-व्यवस्था,उच्चारण का ज्ञान।
• शब्द-संरचना एवं वाक्य-संरचना कर पाने की क्षमता का विकास
• अमात्रिक एवं मात्रिक शब्द लेखन का ज्ञान
• संयुक्ताक्षर शब्दों का उच्चारण एवं वर्तनी लिखने की क्समता का विकास ।
• शब्द भंडार ( vocabulary) में वृद्धि हेतु शब्दार्थ, पर्यायवाची, विलोम, अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द आदि
• सरल एवं सामान्य शब्दों के लिंग एवं वचन परिवर्तन तथा प्रयोग करना।
• सरल एवं सामान्य विषयों पर लघु अनुच्छेद लिखना।
• सामान्य विषयों पर मौखिक रूप से विचार व्यक्त करना ।




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