1. Understand the total content and underlying meaning in the context.
2. Follow sequence of ideas, facts, etc.
3. To read a passage and comprehend the meaning.
4. Identify and understand phrase or sentence groups.
5. Grasp meaning of words and sentences.
6. Acquire the ability to use a suitable dictionary.
7. To recite a poem aloud so that they understand the magic of reading.
8. The students can be asked to read aloud and teacher can correct them if they commit any mistake.
9. Develop correct reading habits, silently, extensively and intensively.
10. Read a news daily of their choice and asking to discuss on it.
11. Form the habit of reading for pleasure and for information.


1. Listen to a talk/conversation and comprehend.
2. Understand English when it is spoken.
3. Listen to the recitation of a poem and learn to recite.
4. Follow directions given orally.
5. Follow simple narratives and description.
6. Recognize the pronunciation of different words.
7. Will listen to peer conversation and comment on it.
8. Maintain his/her listening attention for a reasonable length of time.


1. Pronounce English correctly and intelligibly.
2. Use appropriate word stress, sentence stress and elementary intonations patterns.
3. Speak intelligibly while making statements, asking question, giving instructions, commands, reporting events.
4. Put ideas in proper sequence.
5. Simple experiences and series of events to convey its essence and intention.
6. Participate in spontaneous spoken discourse in familiar social situations.
7. Give logical judgments in debates based on their standard.
8. Take active part in group discussion.
9. Participate in role play and stage performance.


1. Write neatly and legibly with reasonable speed.
2. The use of correct punctuation marks and capital letters.
3. Use correct grammatical items.
4. Use appropriate vocabulary.
5. Edit written material.
6. Develop a short story based on the given beginning.
7. Enable to write formal/ informal letters, news report, prologue, articles, diary entries, message etc.
8. Write answers of certain questions from the taught lesson.
9. Rearrange sentences to make a meaningful passage.


1. Learn new words and phrases.
2. Able to guess the meaning of unknown words based on the context.
3. Identify the poetic devices used in the poems such as- alliteration, simile, metaphor, refrain, personification etc.
4. Identify idiom and phrases.
5. Identify facts and opinions.

• शब्द भंडार ( vocabulary) में वृद्धि हेतु शब्दार्थ, पर्यायवाची, विलोम, अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द आदि
• किसी विषय – विशेष पर अपने विचार रखना तथा वाद-विवाद ,नाटक, कहानी तथा कविता पाठ आयोजन।
• घटना क्रम जैसे – खेल, विज्ञान और राजनीति आदि पर विचार रखना । (speaking)
• शुद्ध उच्चारण के साथ किसी पाठ्य अंश को धारा-प्रवाह पढ़कर अर्थ ग्रहण करने की क्षमता । (reading)
• सरल एवं सामान्य शब्दों के लिंग एवं वचन बदलना। संज्ञा, सर्वनाम, विशेषण,क्रिया एवं काल की पहचान। (grammar)
• सरल एवं सामान्य विषयों पर लघु अनुच्छेद, पत्र लेखन, संवाद,चित्र-वर्णन, कहानी लिखना। (writing)
• सामान्य विषयों पर मौखिक रूप से विचार व्यक्त करना तथा नाटक, कहानी तथा कविता पाठ आदि आयोजन । (speaking)
• किसी अनुच्छेद, घटना अथवा, कहानी को सुनकर अर्थ-ग्रहण करने की क्षमता (listening)
• दैनिक जीवन से संबन्धित सरल विषयों पर मौखिक रूप में अपने विचार प्रकट कर सकेंगे।

SA - 1

1. To be able to list the characteristics of living things.
2. To enable them to distinguish between living and non-living things.
3. To be able to identify different biotic and abiotic components of the environment.
4. To understand the concept of habitat and analyse how human intervention disturbs habitat.
5. To be able to develop strategies to find out ways to maintain a balance between various abiotic and biotic components to save our environment.
6. To understand that certain characteristics of living are more important in making decisions.
7. To identify the different parts of a plant and realize the importance of each to the plant and how they together work towards the growth of the plant.
8. To compare and contrast pollination, fertilization and germination.
9. To be able to understand that nature and feature of stems or other parts of a plant helps in grouping plant as herbs, shrubs, trees, climbers or creepers.
10. To understand that the foodstuffs they eat consist of different sources and significance components.
11. To realize what constitutes a balanced diet.
12. To be able to identify the six main components of food, and the various diseases and disabilities caused due to food deficiencies and list their symptoms.
13. To realize the importance of eating a healthy, balanced diet and that differs from person to person.
14. To evaluate and make inference based on the regional variety of food items.
15. Will be able to investigate how some food may harm us and food items vary in taste depending on the way they are cooked and what they contain.
16. To explore the presence of some nutrients in various food items by conducting experiments.
17. To understand the problems of unequal distribution of food in the world.
18. To understand that magnet exert a force on certain substances.
19. To learn about the poles of magnet.
20. To apply how a magnet can be used to find directions.
21. To be able to research out and generalize how few magnetic devices works and the basic principle them.
22. To understand the need and importance of grouping.
23. To classify materials present around us on the basis of certain common properties.
24. To be able to classify materials based on a specific property.
25. Will be able to appreciate and generalize that different objects may belong to one.
26. To understand the different methods used for cleaning food and their applications.
27. To identify different kinds of solutions, and pick out the solutes and solvents in each.
28. To analyse the different methods used for cleaning food and their applications.
29. To be able to determine whether provided information is accurate, inaccurate or unknown.
30. Will be able to investigate that materials have specific properties that requires to be identified for the process of separation.
31. Will be able to experiment and figure out ways with reasons about the various ways of separating mixtures or impurities.
32. To apply the understanding of concept to segregate bio-degradable and non-biodegradable wastes in their daily life.
33. To realize the importance of recycling and become aware of the need to control wastes and help in reducing and reusing things.
34. To understand the importance of proper waste management and figure out ways to minimize all kinds of waste.

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1. Understand the total content and underlying meaning in the context.
2. Follow sequence of ideas, facts, etc.
3. To read a passage and comprehend the meaning.
4. Identify and understand phrase or sentence groups.
5. Grasp meaning of words and sentences.
6. Acquire the ability to use a suitable dictionary.
7. To recite a poem aloud so that they understand the magic of reading.
8. The students can be asked to read aloud and teacher can correct them if they commit any mistake.
9. Develop correct reading habits, silently, extensively and intensively.
10. Read a news daily of their choice and asking to discuss on it.
11. Form the habit of reading for pleasure and for information.


1. Listen to a talk/conversation and comprehend.
2. Understand English when it is spoken.
3. Listen to the recitation of a poem and learn to recite.
4. Follow directions given orally.
5. Follow simple narratives and description.
6. Recognize the pronunciation of different words.
7. Will listen to peer conversation and comment on it.
8. Maintain his/her listening attention for a reasonable length of time.


1. Pronounce English correctly and intelligibly.
2. Use appropriate word stress, sentence stress and elementary intonations patterns.
3. Speak intelligibly while making statements, asking question, giving instructions, commands, reporting events.
4. Put ideas in proper sequence.
5. Simple experiences and series of events to convey its essence and intention.
6. Participate in spontaneous spoken discourse in familiar social situations.
7. Give logical judgments in debates based on their standard.
8. Take active part in group discussion.
9. Participate in role play and stage performance.


1. Write neatly and legibly with reasonable speed.
2. The use of correct punctuation marks and capital letters.
3. Use correct grammatical items.
4. Use appropriate vocabulary.
5. Edit written material.
6. Develop a short story based on the given beginning.
7. Enable to write formal/ informal letters, news report, prologue, articles, diary entries, message etc.
8. Write answers of certain questions from the taught lesson.
9. Rearrange sentences to make a meaningful passage.


1. Learn new words and phrases.
2. Able to guess the meaning of unknown words based on the context.
3. Identify the poetic devices used in the poems such as- alliteration, simile, metaphor, refrain, personification etc.
4. Identify idiom and phrases.
5. Identify facts and opinions.

• शब्द भंडार ( vocabulary) में वृद्धि हेतु शब्दार्थ, पर्यायवाची, विलोम, अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द आदि
• किसी विषय – विशेष पर अपने विचार रखना तथा वाद-विवाद ,नाटक, कहानी तथा कविता पाठ आयोजन।
• घटना क्रम जैसे – खेल, विज्ञान और राजनीति आदि पर विचार रखना । (speaking)
• शुद्ध उच्चारण के साथ किसी पाठ्य अंश को धारा-प्रवाह पढ़कर अर्थ ग्रहण करने की क्षमता । (reading)
• सरल एवं सामान्य शब्दों के लिंग एवं वचन बदलना। संज्ञा, सर्वनाम, विशेषण,क्रिया एवं काल की पहचान। (grammar)
• सरल एवं सामान्य विषयों पर लघु अनुच्छेद, पत्र लेखन, संवाद,चित्र-वर्णन, कहानी लिखना। (writing)
• सामान्य विषयों पर मौखिक रूप से विचार व्यक्त करना तथा नाटक, कहानी तथा कविता पाठ आदि आयोजन । (speaking)
• किसी अनुच्छेद, घटना अथवा, कहानी को सुनकर अर्थ-ग्रहण करने की क्षमता (listening)
• दैनिक जीवन से संबन्धित सरल विषयों पर मौखिक रूप में अपने विचार प्रकट कर सकेंगे।

SA - 2

1. To understand the importance of water to natural phenomena like weather and climate and also for living organisms.
2. To realize that though water cycle exists in nature, water is scarce and a precious resource.
3. To realize the necessity for water conservation.
4. To understand that changes are taking place all around us.
5. To be able to classify changes as reversible and irreversible changes.
6. To be able to classify changes as physical and chemical changes.
7. To understand that substances expand on heating and contract on cooling.
8. To apply the concept of Extent of expansion and contraction depends on the physical state of material.
9. To identify the variety of factors that causes changes around us.
10. To be able to name the sources from which different clothing materials are obtained.
11. To appreciate how our clothes have undergone a major change since ancient times, because of changing needs.
12. To understand how plant fibers like cotton and jute are produced, list their uses, and name the kind of soil in which they are grown.
13. To explore materials around them and develop an understanding of how to study them.
14. To understand the changes that take place in materials.
15. To be able to understand how people measured distance and times in ancient times.
16. To realize the need to measure distance.
17. To be able to understand the concept of motion and identify the different types of motion.
18. To understand and apply the proper skills of measurement.
19. To understand how motion and rest are relative phenomena.
20. To be able to differentiate between (a) luminous and non-luminous objects, and (b) transparent, translucent and opaque objects.
21. To evaluate the conditions necessary for a shadow to be formed.
22. To list the differences between shadows and images.
23. To identify different types of reflecting surfaces.
24. To be able to research out and generalize how few optical devices works and the basic principle behind them.
25. To understand the concept of (a) electric current (b) the structure of a dry cell (c) how an electric torch works.
26. To name the conditions required for an electric current to flow.
27. To differentiate between conductors and insulators.
28. To adopt safety measures while handling electrical appliances.
29. To be able to able to research out and generalize how few electrical devices works and the basic principle behind them .
30. To understand that how an animal moves, is linked to its body structure.
31. To correlate how a streamlined body helps in reducing friction and resistance.
32. To comprehend that though our bones are hard and rigid, we are able to move because of joints and it is at these places that our body bends.
33. To be able to analyze few points as why the wings of birds are called as modified limbs.
34. Will be able to reason out and compare the difference in movements in human and others.
35. To analyse how the various structure of organisms helps in their movement.
36. To understand how the skeletal system and joints helps in our movement.
37. To understand that air is a mixture of several gases.
38. To understand how air is important for living organisms.
39. To explain how air supports life and balance of various gases exists in nature.
40. To realize how our personal and industrial activities cause pollution of air.
41. To explain the possible consequences if some gases are absent or in abundant in the atmosphere.

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