1. Able to annotate and highlight text.
2. Able to personalize the content.
3. Able to incorporate more senses.
4. Able to understand common themes.
5. Able to set reading goals.
6. Able to read in portions.
7. Will be able to guide their reading independently.
8. Able to analyze and interpret hidden ideas or concepts in a passage.
1. Able to identify main ideas.
2. Able to identify important details.
3. Able to distinguish more important ideas from less important ones.
4. Able to take strategies to take clear notes.
5. Able to use their notes by listening to organize ideas.
6. Able to identify words or phrases related to the topic.
7. Able to analyze and synthesize information presented in different sources.
1. Able to express themselves with acceptable accuracy.
2. Able to express themselves fluently.
3. Able to express themselves with acceptable accuracy.
4. Able to convey their ideas clearly.
5. Able to participate in discussions.
6. To be able to communicate in English with peers and teachers.
7. Able to produce oral responses integrating information from different sources.
1. Able to brainstorm and organize their ideas.
2. Able to use mechanics of writing appropriately.
3. Able to incorporate appropriate cohesive device to improve their text.
4. Able to write grammatically accurate basic and complex sentences.
5. Able to write coherent and unified paragraphs.
6. Able to write stories with proper title, settings, characters, plots and moral.
7. Able to produce a written response based on the information in the reading and listening text.
8. Able to improve their higher order creativity.
9. Enable to compose poems and short stories.
1. Able to become familiar with formal vocabulary that is common in academic texts.
2. Will be able to attain vocabulary to comprehend academic and social reading and listening texts.
3. Enable to become familiar with different spelling patterns for parts of speech.
4. Able to learn strategies to understand vocabulary in the text.
5. Able to use correct form of the words in their oral and written language production.
6. Able to develop understanding of collocations.
7. Able to understand separate meaning of a word.
• To be able to form smallest and largest numbers with a given set of numbers
• To be able to name, compare, order and round off numbers
• To be able to perform addition with and without regrouping
• To understand and apply the properties of addition
• To learn addition of three numbers irrespective of the order of placement of numbers
• To apply the concept of addition in real life examples.
• To be able to perform subtraction with and without regrouping
• To understand and apply the properties of subtraction
• To apply the concept of subtraction in real life examples.
• To understand the method of two steps problem
• To be able to frame story sums with a given situation.
• To learn how to add and subtract money
• To understand about addition and subtraction by expansion
• To apply the concept of addition and subtraction by making tens
• To learn estimating sums and differences and apply in real life also.
• To understand and learn short multiplication
• To understand how to multiply a 3-digit & 4 digit number by a 2-digit number
• To apply the concept of how to multiply a 3-digit number by a 3-digit number
• To understand the method of two steps problem
• To visualise the patterns in multiplication
• To understand and visualise about perimeter
• To understand the process to measure area and apply the understand in a new situation
• To learn how to approximate area
• To be able to view different sections of solids– by cutting/slicing, by casting a shadow, by viewing from different angles
• To learn how to calculate area of parallelogram and triangles
• To learn how to calculate perimeter and area of circles
• To represent data in the form of pictographs, bar graph and circle graph
SA - 1
1. To know the importance of plants in our lives.
2. To be able to state the methods by which we can take care of plants.
3. To be able to identify, state its functions and understand the importance of parts of plants.
4. To be able to compare between flowering and non-flowering plants.
5. To be able to identify and name some products of plants.
6. To analyse the interdependence of plants, animals & humans beings.
7. To be able to differentiate between deciduous & evergreen trees.
8. To understand and reason how plants are the main source of energy on earth.
9. To compare the structure of different kinds of leaf.
10. To understand and explain the different process of photosynthesis.
11. To be able to explain how directly or indirectly all living beings are depended on plants in the food chain.
12. To be able to reason why plants take in CO2 in daytime & take O2 at night.
13. To be able to differentiate types of games as indoor and outdoor.
14. To be able to understand the rules and regulations of some games and its necessity.
15. To appreciate and realise the need of a coach for better performance.
16. To explore the different ways of recreation.
17. To analyse the importance or benefits of International Games.
18. To know about the different neighbouring countries of India.
19. To be able to understand the Physical and political divisions of India.
20. To know about the different important places in India, currency and culture of India.
21. To know the importance, features, climatic conditions and important cities of the different physical divisions.
22. To be able to name states & union territories and its capitals of India.
23. To be able to classify the types of animals based on some characteristics.
24. To compare behaviour of animals in groups and with man.
25. To know how animals are helpful to humans.
26. To be able to name animals with & without hair and ears.
27. To understand the benefits & demerits of animals living in groups.
28. To be able to differentiate the behaviour of domestic animals with man.
29. To evaluate how houses have evolved from early times to now.
30. To be able to differentiate types of houses based on duration, materials, weather conditions etc.
31. To be able to identify different types of materials used in construction and know about people involved in the construction of a house.
32. To be able to differentiate between urban & rural houses.
33. To explore the latest & improved materials discovered & used in construction of houses nowadays.
34. To understand how families have changed from the past to now.
35. To explore the different types of celebration in families and its importance.
36. To develop sensitivity towards old people or people with disabilities.
37. To be able to differentiate between joint and nuclear families.
38. To be able to share the importance of different relations: Mother-child, With animals(pet) etc.
39. To be able to give reason why everyone’s emotional responses not the same in a situation.
40. To make students aware about good & bad touch and to develop confidence to dealt with it.
हमारा उदेश्य है कि विद्यालय के सभी छात्र हिंदी भाषा के सभी कौशल (skills) – वाचन , श्रवण , लेखन तथा पठन का ज्ञान हो ताकि वे धारा प्रवाह हिंदी पढ़ , लिख , बोल तथा समझ सके । छात्र गण शुद्ध उच्चारण के साथ धारा प्रवाह बोलकर अपने विचार एंव भावनाओ को प्रकट कर सके ।
1. किसी विषय – विशेष पर अपने विचार रखने के लिए कहा जाएगा ।
2. वाद विवाद , नाटक , कहानी तथा कविता पाठ आदि आयोजन किया जाएगा ।
3. घटना क्रम ( खेल , राजनीति , विज्ञान आदि ) पर विचार रखने के लिए कहा जाएगा ।
4. छत्रों के लिए शब्द भंडार , उच्चारण एंव व्याकरण की अशुद्धियों पर विशेष ध्यान दिया जाएगा ।
5. जीवन से संबंद्ध सरल विषयो पर अपने विचार रखने के लिए कहा जाएगा ।
लेखन (writing skill)- लेखन कौशल का उदेश्य है की छात्र अपने विचार एंव भावनाओ को लिखकर प्रकट कर सके ।
1. अनुच्छेद लेखन , पत्र लेखन , संवाद लेखन , चित्र वर्णन का अभ्यास करवाया जाएगा ।
2. संकेत बिंदुओ के आधार पर कहानी लिखवाया जाएगा ।
3. जीवन से संबद्ध सरल विषयो पर अनुच्छेद लिखने के लिए कहा जाएगा ।
4. spelling और sentence formation पर विशेष ध्यान दिया जाएगा ।
पठन (Reading skill) - पठन कौशल का उदेश्य है कि छात्र किसी गदयांश , लेख ,कहानी तथा कविता आदि को उचित लय , आरोह-अवरोह तथा सही उच्चारण के साथ पढ़ सके एंव उनका अर्थ समझ सके ।
1. अपठित गदयांश एंव पदयांश का अभ्यास करवाया जाएगा ।
2. समाचार पत्र , कहानी की किताबें तथा उपन्यास आदि पढ़ने के लिए उत्साहित किया जाएगा ।
3. संक्षिप्त और सरल अपठित गदयांश एंव पद्याश का अभ्यास करवाया जाएगा ।
4. समाचार पत्र , कहानी की किताबें आदि पढ़ने के लिए उत्साहित किया जाएगा ।
श्रवण (listening skill)- श्रवण कौशल का उदेश्य है कि छात्र किसी गदयांश , लेख , कहानी तथा कविता आदि को सुनकर उनका अर्थ ग्रहण कर सके ।
1. लेख , कहानी तथा कविता आदि सुनाकर प्रश्न पूछे जाएंगे ।
व्याकरण (Grammar) – भाषा कौशल की शुद्धता के लिए व्याकरण के नियमो का ज्ञान होना आवश्यक होती है ।
1. वर्ण विच्छेद , ‘र’ के विभन्न रूप , उपसर्ग – प्रत्यय लिंग – वचन कारक आदि का अभ्यास करवाया जाएगा ।
2. शब्द भंडार जैसे पर्यायवाची , विलोम , अनेकार्थी शब्दों आदि का अभ्यास करवाया जाएगा ।
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1. Able to annotate and highlight text.
2. Able to personalize the content.
3. Able to incorporate more senses.
4. Able to understand common themes.
5. Able to set reading goals.
6. Able to read in portions.
7. Will be able to guide their reading independently.
8. Able to analyze and interpret hidden ideas or concepts in a passage.
1. Able to identify main ideas.
2. Able to identify important details.
3. Able to distinguish more important ideas from less important ones.
4. Able to take strategies to take clear notes.
5. Able to use their notes by listening to organize ideas.
6. Able to identify words or phrases related to the topic.
7. Able to analyze and synthesize information presented in different sources.
1. Able to express themselves with acceptable accuracy.
2. Able to express themselves fluently.
3. Able to express themselves with acceptable accuracy.
4. Able to convey their ideas clearly.
5. Able to participate in discussions.
6. To be able to communicate in English with peers and teachers.
7. Able to produce oral responses integrating information from different sources.
1. Able to brainstorm and organize their ideas.
2. Able to use mechanics of writing appropriately.
3. Able to incorporate appropriate cohesive device to improve their text.
4. Able to write grammatically accurate basic and complex sentences.
5. Able to write coherent and unified paragraphs.
6. Able to write stories with proper title, settings, characters, plots and moral.
7. Able to produce a written response based on the information in the reading and listening text.
8. Able to improve their higher order creativity.
9. Enable to compose poems and short stories.
1. Able to become familiar with formal vocabulary that is common in academic texts.
2. Will be able to attain vocabulary to comprehend academic and social reading and listening texts.
3. Enable to become familiar with different spelling patterns for parts of speech.
4. Able to learn strategies to understand vocabulary in the text.
5. Able to use correct form of the words in their oral and written language production.
6. Able to develop understanding of collocations.
7. Able to understand separate meaning of a word.
• To be able to compare and order fractions
• To be able to add and subtract like fractions
• To understand the difference between proper and improper fractions
• To understand how mixed numbers are formed
• To learn fractions on a number line
• To identify and understand about equivalent fractions
• To understand what is decimals
• To be able to identify the thousandths in a number
• To differentiate between place value in decimals
• To be able to convert fractions into decimals and vice versa
• To learn about equivalent decimals
• To learn about decimals and money
• To be able to differentiate between like and unlike decimals
• To be able to compare and order decimals
• To visualise and understand points and lines present around us.
• To be able to independently draw lines and line segments
• To identify, understand and differentiate between open and closed shapes
• To understand the features of a circles
• To be able to draw a circle freehand
• To be able to draw a circle by tracing
• To learn about the relation between radius and diameter of a circle
• To learn the other methods of drawing circles
SA - 2
1. To explore what is flower and why do they exist in nature.
2. To appreciate and know about the different types of flowers, parts of flower and its functions.
3. To analyse the difference between seasonal & unique flowers.
4. To be able to mention the different uses of flower.
5. To know how new plants are formed with the help of pollens, stamen & carpel.
6. To know the different causes that led to the formation of continents.
7. To understand the different location and features of continents and oceans.
8. To be able to explain the process of transformation of Pangaea to gondwana & laurasia and then to today’s modern world.
9. To know the different important parts of human body.
10. To reason how the sense organs helps us in becoming aware about the surrounding.
11. To explore the functions of important organ systems of human body and how coordination between all helps to run the whole body.
12. To understand the concept of “community meals” and know how are they organised and arranged.
13. To analyse the concept of “The mid- day meals” and know how they are prepared and provided to schools.
14. To find out the practices in different regions and cultures regarding festival meals.
15. To compare different community meals like langar & midday meal.
16. To know more about festive meal.
17. To appreciate and respect food diversity.
18. To know about some NGOs like AkshayaPatra Foundation & their support in the mid day meal scheme.
19. To explore the journey of a fruit from farm to fork.
20. To understand the different channels how farmer sell to the consumer.
21. To suggest ways to manage and minimise food wastage.
22. To know about the different types of food and nutrients like energy giving, protective etc.
23. To understand the need of Balanced diet in our lives.
24. To analyse the causes and effects of deficiencies that might occur due to lack of certain nutrients.
25. To understand how life depends on water and how water can be kept clean and safe.
26. To realise importance of water and different sources of water.
27. To know the water cycle and how it influences our lives.
28. To analyse how season, rainfall & water availability are related.
29. To know and apply the concept of different methods of storage of water.
30. To be able to apply the different ways of water purification.
31. To evaluate the different socials problems related to water.
32. To be able to relate precipitation, condensation & evaporation.
33. To understand the causes and effects of water pollution.
34. To be able to suggest sustainable solutions to prevent water pollution.
35. To observe, identify and understand the characteristics of insects.
36. To identify and understand the functions of body parts of an insect.
37. To be able to compare useful insects and harmful insects.
38. To know the ways to get rid of harmful insects.
39. To appreciate the benefits that human get from some social insects.
40. To analyse the side effects of some chemical ways to destroy pests or harmful insects.
हमारा उदेश्य है कि विद्यालय के सभी छात्र हिंदी भाषा के सभी कौशल (skills) – वाचन , श्रवण , लेखन तथा पठन का ज्ञान हो ताकि वे धारा प्रवाह हिंदी पढ़ , लिख , बोल तथा समझ सके । छात्र गण शुद्ध उच्चारण के साथ धारा प्रवाह बोलकर अपने विचार एंव भावनाओ को प्रकट कर सके ।
1. किसी विषय – विशेष पर अपने विचार रखने के लिए कहा जाएगा ।
2. वाद विवाद , नाटक , कहानी तथा कविता पाठ आदि आयोजन किया जाएगा ।
3. घटना क्रम ( खेल , राजनीति , विज्ञान आदि ) पर विचार रखने के लिए कहा जाएगा ।
4. छत्रों के लिए शब्द भंडार , उच्चारण एंव व्याकरण की अशुद्धियों पर विशेष ध्यान दिया जाएगा ।
5. जीवन से संबंद्ध सरल विषयो पर अपने विचार रखने के लिए कहा जाएगा ।
लेखन (writing skill)- लेखन कौशल का उदेश्य है की छात्र अपने विचार एंव भावनाओ को लिखकर प्रकट कर सके ।
1. अनुच्छेद लेखन , पत्र लेखन , संवाद लेखन , चित्र वर्णन का अभ्यास करवाया जाएगा ।
2. संकेत बिंदुओ के आधार पर कहानी लिखवाया जाएगा ।
3. जीवन से संबद्ध सरल विषयो पर अनुच्छेद लिखने के लिए कहा जाएगा ।
4. spelling और sentence formation पर विशेष ध्यान दिया जाएगा ।
पठन (Reading skill) - पठन कौशल का उदेश्य है कि छात्र किसी गदयांश , लेख ,कहानी तथा कविता आदि को उचित लय , आरोह-अवरोह तथा सही उच्चारण के साथ पढ़ सके एंव उनका अर्थ समझ सके ।
1. अपठित गदयांश एंव पदयांश का अभ्यास करवाया जाएगा ।
2. समाचार पत्र , कहानी की किताबें तथा उपन्यास आदि पढ़ने के लिए उत्साहित किया जाएगा ।
3. संक्षिप्त और सरल अपठित गदयांश एंव पद्याश का अभ्यास करवाया जाएगा ।
4. समाचार पत्र , कहानी की किताबें आदि पढ़ने के लिए उत्साहित किया जाएगा ।
श्रवण (listening skill)- श्रवण कौशल का उदेश्य है कि छात्र किसी गदयांश , लेख , कहानी तथा कविता आदि को सुनकर उनका अर्थ ग्रहण कर सके ।
1. लेख , कहानी तथा कविता आदि सुनाकर प्रश्न पूछे जाएंगे ।
व्याकरण (Grammar) – भाषा कौशल की शुद्धता के लिए व्याकरण के नियमो का ज्ञान होना आवश्यक होती है ।
1. वर्ण विच्छेद , ‘र’ के विभन्न रूप , उपसर्ग – प्रत्यय लिंग – वचन कारक आदि का अभ्यास करवाया जाएगा ।
2. शब्द भंडार जैसे पर्यायवाची , विलोम , अनेकार्थी शब्दों आदि का अभ्यास करवाया जाएगा ।
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